Queenstown / Queens town City, New Zealand


Queenstown / Queens town City, New Zealand 

Queenstown, situated in the southern island of New Zealand, is globally known as the adventure capital. Offering a diverse array of thrilling activities, Queenstown is a haven for adrenaline junkies. 

Queenstown / Queens town City, New Zealand
Queenstown / Queens town City, New Zealand

This article provides a comprehensive guide to the top 12 adventure activities you can indulge in while visiting Queenstown in the summer.

1. Experience the Thrill of Rafting

Discover the Excitement of Shotover River Rafting

Rafting in the Shotover River is one of the exhilarating adventure activities you can indulge in Queenstown. The river offers a series of adrenaline-pumping rapids, which can provide an unforgettable adventure experience. 

Ensure to embark on this adventure after a spell of rain when the river swells to at least grade 4 for an exhilarating experience.

2. The Rush of Bungy Jumping

The Ultimate Adrenaline Rush with AJ Hackett Bungy Jumps

Bungy Jumping is an adventure activity synonymous with Queenstown. With AJ Hackett, the original Bungy jumping company, you can experience the ultimate adrenaline rush by leaping off the Kawarau Bridge or the Nevis Highwire. 

The Kawarau Bridge is the world's first commercial bungy site and offers a 43-meter drop into the stunning Kawarau River. For a more extreme experience, head to the Nevis Highwire, which boasts a 134-meter drop, making it one of the highest bungy jumps in the world.

3. Soar Through the Sky with Paragliding

Take in Breathtaking Views with Coronet Peak Tandem Paragliding

For a unique perspective of Queenstown's stunning landscapes, try tandem paragliding from Coronet Peak. Take off from the mountain's summit and soar through the sky, enjoying panoramic views of the Remarkables mountain range, Lake Wakatipu, and the surrounding countryside.

 This thrilling adventure allows you to experience the freedom of flight while enjoying the beauty of Queenstown from above.

Queenstown / Queens town City, New Zealand
Queenstown / Queens town City, New Zealand

4. Conquer the Heights with Rock Climbing

Challenge Yourself with Vertical Pursuits Rock Climbing

If you're up for a physical challenge, rock climbing in Queenstown will push you to your limits. Vertical Pursuits offers a variety of climbing routes suitable for all skill levels, from beginners to experienced climbers.

 Whether you choose to climb the towering cliffs of Wye Creek or the stunning crags of the Remarkables, you'll be rewarded with breathtaking views and a sense of accomplishment.

5. Explore the Depths with Scuba Diving

Dive into Adventure with Go Dive Queenstown

Queenstown's crystal-clear lakes offer excellent opportunities for scuba diving. Explore the underwater world and discover the hidden treasures of Lake Wakatipu or Lake Wanaka.

 Go Dive Queenstown provides guided diving tours for both beginners and experienced divers, allowing you to explore the depths of these pristine lakes and encounter unique marine life.

6. Skippers canyon queenstown

 Get Your Heart Racing with Jet Boating

Feel the Speed with Shotover Jet

Experience the thrill of high-speed jet boating on the Shotover River with Shotover Jet. 

Hold on tight as you zip through narrow canyons, skim over shallow waters, and perform thrilling 360-degree spins. This adrenaline-pumping adventure will leave you breathless and craving more.

7. Ride the Waves with Kayaking

Paddle Through Paradise with Queenstown Kayaks

Kayaking is a fantastic way to explore Queenstown's stunning lakes and rivers. Queenstown Kayaks offers guided tours that allow you to paddle through picturesque landscapes, including the famous Milford Sound. 

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced kayaker, this adventure will immerse you in the beauty of Queenstown's natural surroundings.

8. Reach New Heights with Skydiving

Experience the Ultimate Thrill with NZONE Skydive

If you're seeking the ultimate thrill, skydiving in Queenstown is a must-do. Strap on a parachute and take the leap from 15,000 feet with NZONE Skydive. Feel the rush of freefall as you plummet towards the earth at speeds of over 200 kilometers per hour. 

As your parachute opens, enjoy a peaceful descent and take in the breathtaking views of Queenstown from above.

9. Queenstown hill

Conquer the Mountains with Mountain Biking. Hit the Trails with Vertigo Bikes

Queenstown is a mountain biking paradise, with a vast network of trails catering to all skill levels. Rent a bike from Vertigo Bikes and explore the stunning landscapes surrounding Queenstown. 

From beginner-friendly rides along the lakefront to challenging downhill tracks in the nearby mountains, there's something for every mountain biking enthusiast.

10. Test Your Balance with Stand-Up Paddleboarding

Glide Across the Water with Paddle Queenstown

Try your hand at stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) and enjoy a unique perspective of Queenstown's lakes. Paddle Queenstown offers SUP rentals and guided tours, allowing you to explore the calm waters and take in the surrounding scenery at your own pace.

 This activity is suitable for all ages and fitness levels, making it a great option for families and groups.

Queenstown / Queens town City, New Zealand
Queenstown / Queens town City, New Zealand

11. Lake wakatipu queenstown 

Zipline queenstown

Fly High with Ziplining

Soar Through the Forest with Ziptrek Ecotours. Experience the thrill of ziplining through the treetops with Ziptrek Ecotours. Fly through the forest at speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour, enjoying unparalleled views of Queenstown and Lake Wakatipu.

 This eco-friendly adventure combines adrenaline-pumping thrills with a unique perspective on Queenstown's natural beauty.

12. Take to the Skies with Helicopter Tours

Explore Queenstown from Above with Over The Top Helicopters

For a truly unforgettable experience, take to the skies with a helicopter tour. Over The Top Helicopters offers a range of scenic flights, allowing you to explore Queenstown and its surrounding landscapes from a unique perspective. Soar over towering mountains, pristine lakes, and remote wilderness areas, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Queenstown is a playground for adventure enthusiasts, offering a wide range of thrilling activities that cater to all interests and skill levels. Whether you're seeking an adrenaline rush or a unique way to explore the stunning landscapes, Queenstown has something for everyone. 

So pack your bags, brace yourself for an adventure of a lifetime, and get ready to experience the ultimate thrill in the adventure capital of the world.

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